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Hello, I’m Sue Grant
I am passionate about helping you stay fit and active, and I would love to help make it easier for you to enjoy doing all the things you want to do in your daily life. Moving is magic!
Available as DVDs below, or by STREAMING ONLINE VIDEO.
This innovative and lively workout is filled with short and sweet, easy to follow athletic drills with no complicated choreography or fancy dance steps. Perfect for the Boomers (or anyone!) looking for an energetic and low impact workout that is easy on the knees and joints.
Do as many of the quick, fun cardio segments as you choose each time. Includes cardio, strength, and stretch.
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms, a resistance band or cloth kitchen napkin/dishtowel.
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

With a
In this fresh new workout, Sue adds creative tweaks to your favorite traditional moves to make them more fun and functional for you!
This energetic workout includes:
Aerobics, Strength, Balance and Flexibility.
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms, light-medium weights (4-6 lbs.)
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

Older, Wiser
The Older & Wiser Workout – With PIZZAZZ! is a lively workout that will make you smile! If you’re looking for an upbeat and spirited workout, this DVD will get you moving with Sue Grant and Back-Up-Babe Eve Stall — you’ll love it.
This energetic workout includes:
- Aerobic Warmup: 5 minutes
- Aerobics: 25 minutes
- Strength & Balance: 21 minutes
- Stretch: 10 minutes
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms (for added stability during the stretch section only), Light-medium weights (4-6 lbs.)
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

Older, Wiser
Workout –
Easy Does It
The Older & Wiser Workout – Easy Does It is a safe, gentle workout that is perfect for beginners or those that have not been exercising regularly. The movements are simple and easy to follow, but also really fun! You will appreciate the emphasis on posture, balance and fall preventionin this video. All the exercises are demonstrated standing and sitting – no lying down on the floor.
This EASY workout includes:
- Aerobic Warmup: 8 minutes
- Gentle Aerobics: 21 minutes
- Strength & Balance: 25 minutes
- Stretch: 12 minutes
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms
Light-medium weights (3-5 lbs.)
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

Older, Wiser
& Wonderful
Level 1-2
The Older, Wiser & Wonderful Workout Level 1 & Level 2 is an exciting, all-new video which is based entirely on the sound principles of Applied Functional Science. Every exercise and stretch is done in the three different directions (sideways, forward and back, and rotating) that we move in during our everyday life. The two different workouts (Level 1 & Level 2) allow you to safely progress at your own pace.
Note! The Older, Wiser & Wonderful Level 1 & 2, and Level 3 & 4 are VERY similar. Level 3 & 4 is exactly like Level 1 & 2, with some additional segments included. I don’t recommend buying both together – they are too much alike!
This well-rounded
program includes:
- Cardio Warmup: 6 minutes
- Cardio: Level 1 – 13 minutes
- Cardio: Level 2 – 22 minutes
- Strength & Balance: 28 minutes
- Stretch: 15 minutes
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms
Light-medium weights (2-5 lbs.)
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

Older, Wiser
& Wonderful
Level 3-4
The Older, Wiser and Wonderful Workout Level 3 & Level 4 is considerably more vigorous than the Level 1 & Level 2 workouts, and is also based 100% on the principles of Applied Functional Science. Both workouts will help you to enjoy doing all the things you like to do in your everyday life even more!
Note! The Older, Wiser & Wonderful Level 1 & 2, and Level 3 & 4 are VERY similar. Level 3 & 4 is exactly like Level 1 & 2, with some additional segments included. I don’t recommend buying both together – they are too much alike!
This well-rounded
program includes:
- Cardio Warmup: 6 minutes
- Cardio: Level 3 – 29 minutes
- Cardio: Level 4 – 38 minutes
- Strength & Balance: 31 minutes
- Stretch: 15 minutes
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms
Light-medium weights (4-6 lbs.)
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

Older & MUCH
Wiser Workout DVD
The Older & Much Wiser Workout is a little more difficult than the Older & Wiser Workout, but easier than Fit at Any Age.
This well-rounded
program includes:
- Cardio: 31 minutes
- Strength Training: 21 minutes
- Balance & Gaze Stabilization
Training: 6 minutes - Stretch: 10 minutes
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms
A resistance band – INCLUDED!
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

Older and Wiser
Workout DVD
The Older & Wiser Workout is a gentle, traditional workout designed for older adults. It is easier than the Fit at Any Age and the Older & Much Wiser Workout.
This well-rounded
program includes:
- Cardio: 23 minutes
- Strength Training: 21 minutes
- Stretch: 10 minutes
Equipment needed:
A sturdy chair with no arms
Light-medium weights (2-5 lbs.)
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.

Fit At Any Age
Fit at Any Age is the most challenging of Sue’s workout series. The pace is a bit faster, and the exercises are a bit more advanced than with her other videos. This is the only one of the series in which some of the strength training exercises are done lying down on the floor.
This well-rounded
program includes:
- Cardio: 25 minutes
- Strength Training: 20 minutes
- Stretch: 8 minutes
Equipment needed:
Light-medium weights (3-5 lbs.)
Every video includes low impact aerobics, gentle strength training, balance, and a relaxing stretch section. In addition, each video shows different levels for each exercise, so you can “customize” each workout to meet your particular needs. You may also mix & match each section depending on how much time you have, and how you are feeling each day.


Sue Grant
Sue Grant, Fellow of Applied Functional Science through the Gray Institute of Applied Functional Science is also a certified Master Instructor for FallProof, an internationally recognized Balance and Mobility training program.She is certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and also holds ACE’s Senior Fitness Specialty Certification.
Sue has a Professional Certificate in Fitness Instruction and Exercise Science from UC San Diego, specializing in both Personal Training and Group Fitness Instruction.
Most important, Sue’s lifelong love for fitness is contagious – she is passionate about helping Older Adults stay fit and active at any age!

“This is probably the greatest video I’ve ever seen… because it has so much wisdom to it!”
“The “Wiser” part of this title is the wisdom that went into the development of this that allows whoever is watching it to say “Wow, this is for me because this is functional.”
“Sue does a brilliant job with the rate of movements. She does some of the movements slowly, but as we get older, we need to be able to react faster, so if I’m walking and I happen to get tripped up, I’ll be glad I’ve done my Older, Wiser & Wonderful Workout because I’m been working on that and I’ll think, “I just prevented a fall! Wow!”
“This might be one of the greatest DVDs I’ve ever seen relative to letting some of us older people stay functional, and to enjoy life.
– Quotes from Gary Gray
“I absolutely love Sue Grant’s workouts. I just started working out last November and her workouts are so fun and motivating and great for beginners and those of us who have pain issues as well. I now own four of her DVDs and love the variety. I do two a day.”
– Jeanne. Age 58
Send us a note:
140 Encinitas Blvd.
P.O. Box 165
Encinitas, CA 92024

Follow @OlderWiserWorkout | Linked In | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube