Food For Thought!

Although I’m not a registered dietician, and therefore am not qualified to give nutritional advice, I read an article in the July 2020 Berkeley Wellness Report that I am excited to share with you.

The article explains that a big study is indicating that the Mediterranean-style diet is good for the brain.  I’ve personally always been a big fan of this way of eating, which is rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, legumes and olive oil, with very little red meat and a moderate amount of alcohol, so I was delighted to see the results of this research show that this diet is also good for our brains.

The study analyzed data from 7,756 US adults, ages 50-85  and was published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia.  The researchers scored the participants’ diets (as assessed by questionnaires at the study’s baseline)  for how closely they adhered to a version of the Mediterranean diet.

Those whose diets most adhered to that eating plan scored better on tests of cognitive function over the next two to ten years than those whose diets adhered the least.  High consumption of fish and vegetables in particular was linked to better cognitive function.  In addition, a high intake of fish – but not the Mediterranean diet overall – was associated with a slower rate of cognitive decline over five to ten years.

Looks like we should eat our fish!  I still can’t get  as enthusiastic about sardines as  my husband is……..but it’s great to know that this simple, clean way of eating is also great for our minds!


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